Takemitsu T, Wada H, Hatada T, Ohmori Y, Ishikura K, Takeda T, Sugiyama T, Yamada N, Maruyama K, Katayama N, Isaji S, Shimpo H, Kusunoki M, Nobori T. Prospective evaluation of three different diagnostic criteria for disseminated intravascular coagulation. Thromb Haemost. 2011 Jan;105(1):40-4.
Toiyama Y, Miki C, Inoue Y, Tanaka K, Mohri Y, Kusunoki M. Evaluation of an inflammation-based prognostic score for the identification of patients requiring postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy for stage II colorectal cancer. Exp Ther Med.2011 Jan;2(1):95-101.
Toiyama Y, Inoue Y, Yasuda H, Saigusa S, Yokoe T, Okugawa Y, Tanaka K, Miki C, Kusunoki M. DPEP1, expressed in the early stages of colon carcinogenesis,affects cancer cell invasiveness. J Gastroenterol. 2011 Feb;46(2):153-63.
Otake K, Uchida K, Tanaka K, Koike Y, Inoue M, Matsushita K, Ueeda M, Hashimoto K, Kitajima T, Komada Y, Kusunoki M. HsMAD2 mRNA expression may be a predictor of sensitivity to paclitaxel and survival in neuroblastoma. Pediatr Surg Int. 2011 Feb;27(2):217-23.
Saigusa S, Yamamura T, Tanaka K, Ohi M, Kawamoto A, Kobayashi M, Inoue Y, Kusunoki M. Efficacy of administration of coagulation factor XIII with definitive surgery for multiple intractable enterocutaneous fistulae in a patient with decreased factor XIII activity. BMJ Case Rep. 2011 Mar 15;2011.
Saigusa S, Toiyama Y, Tanaka K, Yokoe T, Okugawa Y, Fujikawa H, Matsusita K, Kawamura M, Inoue Y, Miki C, Kusunoki M. Cancer-associated fibroblasts correlate with poor prognosis in rectal cancer after chemoradiotherapy. Int J Oncol. 2011 Mar;38(3):655-63.
Okugawa Y, Mohri Y, Toiyama Y, Yokoe T, Ohi M, Tanaka K, Uchida K, Shiraishi T, Kusunoki M. Multiple solitary leiomyomas in the esophagus: report of a case. Surg Today. 2011 Apr;41(4):563-7.
Otake K, Uchida K, Inoue M, Matsushita K, Hashimoto K, Toiyama Y, Tanaka K, Nakatani K, Kawai K, Kusunoki M. A large, solitary, semipedunculated gastric polyp in pediatric juvenile polyposis syndrome. Gastrointest Endosc. 2011 Jun;73(6):1313-4.
Saigusa S, Tanaka K, Toiyama Y, Yokoe T, Okugawa Y, Koike Y, Fujikawa H, Inoue Y, Miki C, Kusunoki M. Clinical significance of CD133 and hypoxia inducible factor-1α gene expression in rectal cancer after preoperative chemoradiotherapy. Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol). 2011 Jun;23(5):323-32.
Yasuda H, Toiyama Y, Ohi M, Mohri Y, Miki C, Kusunoki M. Serum soluble vascular adhesion protein-1 is a valuable prognostic marker in gastric cancer. J Surg Oncol. 2011 Jun 1;103(7):695-9.
Tomomasa T, Tajiri H, Kagimoto S, Shimizu T, Yoden A, Ushijima K, Uchida K,Kaneko H, Abukawa D, Konno M, Maisawa S, Kohsaka T, Kobayashi A. Japanese StudyGroup for Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis:Leukocytapheresis in pediatric patientswith ulcerative colitis. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2011 Jul;53(1):34-9.
Koike Y, Tanaka K, Okugawa Y, Morimoto Y, Toiyama Y, Uchida K, Miki C, Mizoguchi A, Kusunoki M. In vivo real-time two-photon microscopic imaging of platelet aggregation induced by selective laser irradiation to the endothelium created in the beta-actin-green fluorescent protein transgenic mice. J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2011 Aug;32(2):138-45.
Oh DS, DeMeester SR, Tanaka K, Marjoram P, Kuramochi H, Vallbohmer D, Danenberg K, Chandrasoma PT, DeMeester TR, Hagen JA. The gene expression profile of cardia intestinal metaplasia is similar to that of Barrett’s esophagus, not gastric intestinal metaplasia. Dis Esophagus. 2011 Sep;24(7):516-22.
Inoue M, Uchida K, Otake K, Koike Y, Okugawa Y, Kobayashi M, Mohri Y, Miki C, Kusunoki M. Placement of prophylactic drains after laparotomy may increase infectious complications in neonates. Pediatr Surg Int. 2011 Sep;27(9):975-9.
Inoue Y, Toiyama Y, Tanaka K, Uchida K, Mohri Y, Kusunoki M. Oncology market research provides a feasible index for standardization of colorectal cancer chemotherapy. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2011 Oct;41(10):1203-8.
Inoue Y, Hiro J, Toiyama Y, Tanaka K, Uchida K, Miki C, Kusunoki M. Push-back technique facilitates ultra-low anterior resection without nerve injury in total mesorectal excision for rectal cancer. Dig Surg. 2011;28(4):239-44.
Kobayashi M,Takesue Y,Kitagawa Y,Kusunoki M,Sumiyama Y. Antimicrobial prophylaxis and colon preparation for colorectal surgery: Results of a questionnaire survey of 721 certified institutions in Japan. Surg Today. 2011 Oct;41(10):1363-9.
Toiyama Y, Inoue Y, Yasuda H, Yoshiyama S, Araki T, Miki C, Kusunoki M. Hepatocellular adenoma containing hepatocellular carcinoma in a male patient with familial adenomatous polyposis coli: Report of a case. Surg Today. 2011 Oct;41(10):1442-6.
Iwamoto Y, Kanda H, Tsujii M, Toiyama Y, Yamada Y, Soga N, Arima K, Sudo A, Kusunoki M, Sugimura Y. Pedicled vastus lateralis musculofascial flap as a new technique for repairing rectourethral fistula after radical prostatectomy. Microsurgery. 2011 Oct;31(7):564-7.
Inoue M, Uchida K, Otake K, Kawamoto A, Okita Y, Hiro J, Ohi M, Kusunoki M. Laparoscopic detorsion and colopexy for splenic flexure volvulus in an infant. J Pediatr Surg. 2011 Oct;46(10):E25-8.
Morimoto Y, Tanaka K, Toiyama Y, Inoue Y, Araki T, Uchida K, Kimura K, Mizoguchi A, Kusunoki M. Intravital three-dimensional dynamic pathology of experimental colitis in living mice using two-photon laser scanning microscopy. J Gastrointest Surg. 2011 Oct;15(10):1842-50.
Okita Y, Miki C, Yoshiyama S, Otake K, Araki T, Uchida K, Kusunoki M. Neutrophil dysfunction in steroid-overdosed patients with ulcerative colitis: potential relevance of macrophage migration inhibitory factor to increased postoperative morbidity. Surg Today. 2011 Nov;41(11):1504-11.
Yasuda H, Tanaka K, Okita Y, Araki T, Saigusa S, Toiyama Y, Yokoe T, Yoshiyama S, Kawamoto A, Inoue Y, Miki C, Kusunoki M. CD133, OCT4, and NANOG in ulcerative colitis-associated colorectal cancer. Oncol Lett. 2011 Nov;2(6):1065-1071.
Saigusa S, Mohri Y, Ohi M, Toiyama Y, Ishino Y, Okugawa Y, Tanaka K, Inoue Y, Kusunoki M. Podoplanin and SOX2 expression in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma after neoadjuvant chemo-radiotherapy. Oncol Rep. 2011 Nov;26(5):1069-74.
Otake K, Uchida K, Inoue M, Matsushita K, Hashimoto K, Ide S, Matsubara T, Tanaka K, Mohri Y, Kusunoki M. Efficacy of Seprafilm® in abdominal surgery for ventriculoperitoneal shunt malfunction: a report of two pediatric cases. Pediatr Neurosurg. 2011;47(3):214-6.
Uchida K,Otake K, Inoue M,Koike Y, Matsushita K, Tanaka K,Inoue Y, Nohri Y, Kusunoki M. Bacteriosyatic Effects of Hyaluronan-Based Bioresorbable Membrane. Surgical Science. 2011;2:431-36.
Tanaka K,Inoue Y, Kusunoki M. The Role of Cytoreduction as a Multidisciplinary Treatment Modality for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. Colorectal Cancer Risk, Diagnosis and Treatments. 2011:161-75.
Tanaka K, Inoue Y, Toiyama Y, Uchida K, Miki C, Kusunoki M. Clinical Significance of Putative Cancer Stem Cells in Residual Cancer Cells After Chemoradiotherapy for Rectal Cancer. INTECH. 2011:29-42